Friday, 4 November 2011

Inner Soul City Escape

I was totally spoilt the other weekend! Surprised by a little inner city escape to a secret location that I had no idea about until I was literally in the Crown Metropol hotel lobby! A very sophisticated lobby at that! Light and bright – I was glad to be out of the windy Melbourne weather. Feeling a little underdressed – well not so much the clothes but the fact that I had shoved some shoes into a supermarket Green bag! LOL not so sophisticated when compared to the demure of the Metropol’s palette of earthy tones, polished silver fittings and sheer crisp interiors.
(Sorry lack of photos of the lobby - was actually tyring to chill and not get all happy snap crazed!)

I love that font! I can spend hours at work just picking out the right font for a design so I love it when I see a unique font.

Some observations – the Crown Metropol doesn’t ooze European elegance – I’ve only visited a handful of 5 Star hotels in my lifetime so I say this when compared to the Four Seasons in Sydney (which is classic and grand with Marble tiles, grand gold fixtures and a pillow menu to die for!).

By contrast the Metropol is rather masculine, strong architectural design – might I add suitably so for the grungy Melbourne weather and equally edgy fashion and social scene. I took note of the great use of earthy tones –calm and quiet.
Monday morning hustle and bustle ... ah nice to sit back from it all!

Eureka to your left - sunrise on a damp city - intense sky

The view was a constant reminder of how hectic city living is but how nice it is to escape it. Sort of like being inside when it’s pouring with rain and there’s thunder – but you are sheltered and warm. It was interesting to wake up so refreshed and relaxed about having the Monday off whilst watching the traffic build up as people went to work on Cup Eve.

This inner city escape wouldn’t be complete without the extra pampering! I was treated to a lovely remedial massage (by my adorable other half) at the Isika Day Spa…divine! I mean seriously I love the feeling of physical tension just being released from your body! Definitely a great way to unwind then to top it off a pedicure – sitting in the chair soaking my toes while gazing at the view! Wasn’t so bad really!
Ah pedicure - nothing beats the feeling of happy clean feet!
Bright lights - Looking out from the 14th floor at night

I should also mention that they have a gym and infinity pool (beautifully designed) that has the best view ever! It’s on level 27 – it’s hard to not want to go to the gym or pool to do some exercise when you’ve got such a great view!

I know for certain I will be back … soon J

By day: looking Down from the 14th floor - hrt this photo!

By Night: looking Down from the 14th floor - hrt this photo but needed a bit of enhancing!

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